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Link Wray - White Lightning: Lost Cadence Sessions '58 LP



Surf, Cycles and Super Guitar Crunch! The kids of 1958 loved ’em, and their first single for Cadence Records shot up the charts like a label owner’s dream. This is the fantastic and fiery album that was supposed to have been released as a follow-up to one of the all-time great instrumental classics, the ultra-menacing “Rumble.” But faster than you can say “Drag Race,” everyone—Cadence label-owner Archie Bleyer included—was talking about this new threat to the morals of American youth. That’s why Link and his boys were off the imprint, and this album of prime distorto-guitar-crunch cool remained unreleased for nearly 50 years. Well here it is, and it’s every bit as dirty and dangerous as you would expect

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