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Bobbito García : Aim High, Little Giant, Aim High!



LEGENDARY DJ/AUTHOR BOBBITO GARCÍA RELEASES HIS FIRST CHILDREN’S BOOK IN COLLABORATION WITH WE ARE LITTLE GIANTS “Bobbito García’s street-smart text and Estafanía Rivera Cortés’ starburst illustrations make for a buoyant, fun, and thoroughly modern experience. Call ‘I got next’ on AIM HIGH!” —Alexander Wolff, author of Big Game, Small World: A Basketball Adventure

The story is about Taína, a nine-year-old, Afro Boricua basketball novice growing up in Brooklyn during a pandemic who learns valuable life lessons from family, friends, and the community, both on and off the court. The narrative seamlessly weaves social-emotional learning with math, arts, social justice, identity, culture, and sports education, all in a fun (and at times goofy) manner! “I’ve been documenting hip hop, sneaker, and basketball history in books, films, and magazines since the ‘80s, so imagine the thrill for me to finally write fiction, and especially for kids! The experience was liberating and allowed me to flex my experiences as a parent, which I haven’t shared much of at all publicly. I truly hope the multiple communities I exist in have the opportunity to see themselves in the words and illustrations …” —Bobbito García

Brilliantly illustrated by Estefanía Rivera Cortés, an artist based in San Juan, Puerto Rico with a compassion for social causes, Aim High, Little Giant, Aim High! is an unprecedented presentation of NYC’s unique outdoor basketball culture, created for children of any background to enjoy. The book is published by We Are Little Giants, an independently Black and Puerto Rican owned business.

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